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Myspace HTML, CSS, DIV codes and more. Help Center :: Myspace HTML, CSS, DIV codes and more. > Myspace > Tips & Tricks > myspace tracker? PDA View Full Version : myspace tracker? ric3p0wer12-15-2005, 02:22 AMis there a such thing? it tracks those who visits your myspace either by their URL, IP address or by myspace display name. it'll be greatly appreciated if someone shares it...if there are any kind of tracking system that can be used for myspace. thx scottywilks12-15-2005, 11:47 PM:confused: I would like to know the same thing. I found a great counter at and it was awesome! Although it was Javascript which is not allowed for Is there a way around that or something similar? xxunawarexx12-22-2005, 07:06 PMgrr i want one too! :( luckycb312-23-2005, 12:47 PMThis place has a profile counter. Just put in your Friend Id Number and what number you want it to start on , and it will give you an html code. Just copy and paste it in the "about me" section http: myspace counter upinit12-23-2005, 10:10 PMhttp: counter 1_1000000.gif (http: Renoula200601-04-2006, 06:13 PMis there a such thing? it tracks those who visits your myspace either by their URL, IP address or by myspace display name. it'll be greatly appreciated if someone shares it...if there are any kind of tracking system that can be used for myspace. thx I want 2 no if theres such thing as a tracker that u can see who looked at ur profile. ex. it would say *******-looked at you profile and then u can find out who just

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